Dr. Pam is dedicated to improving the quality of life of her patients by providing exceptional chiropractic care that is thorough, hands on, evidence based and patient centered.
Toronto Chiropractor
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About Dr. Pam

Dr. Pam is dedicated to improving the quality of life of her patients by providing exceptional chiropractic care that is thorough, hands on, evidence based and patient centered.

She focuses on three main components:


She offers RELIEF CARE by discovering and treating the root cause of pain and symptoms. She believes in a hands on approach that combines soft tissue therapy (active and myofascial release, acupressure and trigger point therapy), stretching, joint mobilizations and gentle adjustments (mostly manual/diversified) to optimize spinal function. The end result is increased mobility, decreased muscle tension and decreased pain. In her vast experience, Dr. Pam has discovered that her unique combination produces results that are immediate, effective and long lasting.

Maintenance/ Prevention

She is passionate about the benefits of PREVENTATIVE CARE and how maintaining optimal function in the spine and neuro-musculo-skeletal system promotes well-being and prevents pain and symptoms before they arise.


She is constantly educating her patients and empowering them to facilitate total body wellness through proper nutrition, posture, exercise, movement and stretching techniques, ergonomics and healthy living.

The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will instruct his patients in the care of the human frame , in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
- Thomas Edison



Chiropractors are primary health care practitioners who are trained to assess, diagnose, treat and prevent disorders of the muscles, joints and nerves by discovering the root of the problem.

Active Release Technique

ART is a patented, state of the art, soft tissue movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.  It was designed to specifically target and remove soft tissue adhesions (‘scar tissue’) which leads to increased soft tissue tension, pain and dysfunction.

Activator Technique

The Activator Technique is one of the most popular “low force” chiropractic techniques in the world.  Next to the Diversified Technique, the activator adjusting instrument is reported to be the most common therapeutic intervention used by chiropractors.

Custom Orthotics

Orthotics are custom made inserts for shoes that are designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient position. This helps to correct foot and ankle imbalance but also helps prevent stress and strain on all other joints of the body.

What her patients say

Welcome to the clinic

After gaining years of experience as the on-site corporate chiropractor at American Express and practicing alongside family doctors in a multidisciplinary setting, Dr. Pam has taken her knowledge and expertise downtown to the King West Neighborhood.  She has created a warm, inviting and healing atmosphere at the intersection of King and Bathurst.  Her patients feel welcomed, relaxed, cared for, not rushed, and above all, confident in her ability to keep their bodies feeling and functioning as they are designed to; pain free and mobile.